"United Tips of America", is a networking organization committed to helping it's members solicit new and referral business through networking among our group on a bi-weekly basis. The organization is built on three principles: the exchange of TIPS, improved public speaking and community involvement.
The exchange of "TIPS" between our members at our bi-weekly meetings is the foundation by which we are built and what really gets our members excited. These tips are sacred and are treated as such. Business leads only qualify as "Tips" when the referral is awaiting a phone call from a member. There are strict rules surrounding the acceptance of a tip, including the timeliness by which a member is required to respond. For more information regarding our Official TIP Policy. It is our belief that when the tip is made correctly, the lead carries more weight, is worth more and is a warm invitation into the circle of the "tipster". Members have an opportunity to rate the receiving party and their performance when following up the tip. The tipster is also rated in terms of legitimacy of their tips. The idea is to hold each party accountable for the strength of their tips and so when receiving a Tip, it's as good as a lead can get.
Public Speaking Is A Virtue and the ability to address an audience of any size to share the benefits of your business and how you can help your clients means everything as far as your success goes. At United Tips of America, we consistently work with our members to improve their presentation, verbal and live communication skills...in other words...Public Speaking! When you join Unitd Tips of America, you are on the road to improving your public speaking AND your bottom line!
Community is Everything and at United Tips of America we value our place in the community and view helping it any time we can as a fundamental requirement for doing business successfully.
"Becoming a member of UTA has been a huge benefit to my business and personal growth. The relationships I've gained have truly taken my business to the next level."
- Mark R.

United Tips of America is a business networking organization built on three founding ideals and principles:
The exchange of qualified business leads, referred to within the organization as “Tips”, between members.
The focus and improvement upon the skill of public speaking, thereby adding to their bottom lines by making members more effective in their day-to-day sales and presentation efforts and,
A focus on community and charity, for the benefit of the communities which we serve.
These ideals embody the spirit of United Tips of America.
UTA chapters meet every other week at a local venue for lunch. Meetings are a little over an hour and are governed efficiently by the president of the chapter so that our time together can be effective. The bottom line? We are extremely considerate of our member’s time. No meeting of United Tips of America has ever ended late!
All TIPS are qualified! A tip is considered “qualified” only when that referral is waiting and expecting a contact by a UTA member. Tips are recorded and monitored for compliance. Members receiving a tip are required to contact the referral by the end of business on the day they receive the tip. Failure to adhere to the rules can be cause for termination of a United Tips of America membership.
Becoming a member of United Tips of America is your first step towards obtaining your own sales force for your business. Our members educate each other on their businesses so that they are able to refer business confidently to one another. In a time when it is cost prohibitive to hire your own sales force, your United Tips chapter becomes just that, your sales force.
Every member of United Tips of America is permitted to speak at every single meeting and most meetings they get that opportunity more than once. Each member is required to give a timed “elevator speech”. Members also visit other members and report back to the group on those meetings, affording even further exposure within the group for those businesses.
At each UTA Meeting, one member gives an extended keynote presentation to the group. That presentation is 10 minutes in length and results in a surge of business for that member. Members are encouraged to use props and to think outside the box in terms of their keynote presentations. Bottom line, United Tips of America members have game!
United Tips of America also believes in creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere. To that end, the group participates in a networking exercise at the beginning of each meeting which allows our members to get to know each other further through fun.
Positivity is the calling card of United Tips of America. Each meeting is officially closed with the “positive quote of the day”, delivered by a different member at each meeting. It is another opportunity for another appearance by a member and a chance to end on a positive note.
United Tips of America is an organization dedicated to having fun, making money and most importantly making connections that will add to our members bottom line by utilizing crucial networking skills. To join today please visit our membership page and fill out a membership application. After submitting your application, you will be contacted by a UTA representative right away to schedule a follow-up meet & greet with our organization's leadership.